The Netherlands Commission on Genetic Modification (COGEM) commissions third-party research to support its work. The following project is open for enrollment: Germline modification and new gene therapies; an exploration. This project is a collaboration with the Central Committee on Research Involving Human Subjects (CCMO), and aims to gain insight into the likelihood of unintended germline modification in new (non-viral) gene therapies to support risk analysis. Interested parties are invited to submit a project bid. More information can be read here.
Onderzoek ZonMw omtrent ATMP’s in Nederland: Veldverkenning, Knelpuntanalyse en Activiteitenkaart
ZonMw, heeft, in nauwe samenwerking met het Centre for Future Affordable Sustainable Therapies development (FAST), een onderzoek geleid naar ATMP’s* in Nederland. Dit onderzoek is onderdeel van het ZonMw-deelprogramma Regulatoire Pandemische Paraatheid. Er is een overzicht gecreëerd van stakeholders, wet- en regelgeving, marktregistratie- en vergoedingsroutes, knelpunten en oplossingsrichtingen, en initiatieven omtrent de markttoegang (registratie en vergoeding) van ATMP’s.
Het rapport biedt handvatten en aanbevelingen voor ontwikkelaars, beoordelaars, beleidsmakers, zorgprofessionals en andere geïnteresseerden binnen het nationale ATMP-veld en hoopt daarmee bij te dragen aan de snelle inzetbaarheid van ATMP’s.
*ATMP’s: Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products, ook wel Geneesmiddelen voor geavanceerde therapie.
ESGCT 30th Annual Congress – Abstract submission deadline extended
The deadline for abstract submissions for the ESGCT Annual Congress (24-27 October, Brussels, Belgium) has been extended to 30 June 2023. There will be no further extension added to this date.
Free registration is offered to student members who submit an abstract which is accepted for an oral or poster presentation. Register by 30 June to get Early Bird rates, plus reduced registration fees will apply to all ESGCT members. NVGCT members are entitled to free membership of the ESGCT for 2023, which can be requested via with proof of your NVGCT membership. This proof of NVGCT membership can be acquired via
FYI: Everyone who registered for this year’s NVGCT Annual Symposium (12-13 June) has automatically become a member of NVGCT.
ESGCT 30th Annual Congress – registration and abstract submission open

Registration and abstract submission are now open for the ESGCT 30th Annual Congress. This year’s Congress is being held in collaboration with the SFTCG and NVGCT and takes place from 24-27 October in Brussels, Belgium.
Free registration is offered to student members who submit an abstract which is accepted for an oral or poster presentation. Register by 30 June to get Early Bird rates, plus reduced registration fees will apply to all ESGCT members. NVGCT members are entitled to free membership of the ESGCT for 2023, which can be requested via with proof of your NVGCT membership. This proof of NVGCT membership can be acquired via
Abstract submission deadline: 15 June 2023.
RIVM report: the potential of DNA technology in improving the health of Dutch citizens
The National Institute for Public Health (RIVM) has, after close consultation with various parties including the NVGCT, written a report about the potential of DNA technology in improving public health(care). This will be used by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport to develop a policy plan. More information and the report can be found here.